Here are some handy tips for keeping Gas Safe at home.

power flush doesn’t require our engineers to tinker with the gas element of your central heating, but if we do realise that we need to work with your boiler or other systems, we will have to send out a Gas Safe Registered engineer to your home.

Having such work carried out by someone who is Gas Safe Registered is of the utmost importance and massively beneficial to your general peace of mind – but what can you do to stay Gas Safe after they’ve gone?

Keep an eye out

It’s important to be aware of the signs that a gas appliance in your home isn’t working properly. Black marks or stains, excessive condensation and lazy-looking yellow flames are all signs that something is amiss, but please consider that appliances can be unsafe without displaying any of these symptoms. To play it truly safe, we recommend having all of your appliances checked at least once a year.

Sometimes a faulty appliance can be missed, so it’s also a wise idea to be aware of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Headaches, dizziness and nausea are all signs, so if you’re displaying any of these without any other obvious cause, we recommend visiting a health professional and installing a carbon monoxide alarm. You should ensure that you purchase an alarm that is audible and have it installed near your gas appliances.

It’s better to be safe than sorry

It truly is worth the investment to have all your gas appliances safety checked annually by a Gas Safe Registered engineer. They’ll check for gas leaks and undertake a visual inspection of any accessible gas pipework. Remember to always check your engineer’s Gas Safe Register ID – it should confirm their registration, identity and that they can do the work you have hired them to do.

We would also add that you must use gas appliances for their intended purposes only – for example, you should never use a cooker to heat a room. Finally, you should provide enough ventilation for appliances to burn correctly, and make sure that no air vents or chimneys are blocked.

Would you like to know more about how to keep your central heating system safe? If so, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly and receptive Power Flush Wizard team.